To download Zork 1, click here.
This is not the only way to solve the game. Many rooms go unexplored. You might want to play around with the game on your own and map out as much as you can. This way, if you get lost, you may be able to find your way quicker. Be careful to follow the directions exactly while in the maze. If you get lost it could take quite a while to get back. South, East Open window Enter house West (in Living Room) Take lamp Move rug Open trap door Turn on lamp Down, South, East (in Gallery) Take painting North (in Studio) Up, Up (in Attic) Take knife and rope Down, West (in Living Room) Open case Put painting in case Drop knife Take sword Open trap door Down **SAVE** North (in Troll Room) Kill troll with sword (keep doing this until he dies) Drop sword East, East, Southeast, East (in Dome Room) Tie rope to railing Down (in Torch Room) South, East Get coffin West, South (in Altar) Pray Turn off lamp South, North, East (at Canyon View) Down, Down, North (at End of Rainbow) Drop coffin Open coffin Take sceptre Wave sceptre Look Take gold and coffin Southwest, Up, Up, Northwest, West Enter house Open bag Take garlic West Put coffin, gold, and sceptre in case **SAVE** Open trap door Turn on lamp Down, North, East, North, Northeast, East (at Flood Control Dam #3) North (at the Dam Lobby) Take matches North (or East, in Maintenance Room) Take wrench and screwdriver Push the yellow button South (or West) South (at the Dam) Turn bolt with wrench Drop wrench South, Down (in Loud Room) West (in Round Room) Southeast, East, Down Take torch Turn off lamp South Take bell South Take candles and book Down, Down (at Entrance to Hades) Ring bell Get candles Light match Light candles with match Read book Drop book South Get skull North, Up, North (in Mirror Room) Put out candles Rub mirror North, West, North, West (in Squeaky Room) ***Make sure you have the garlic*** North (in Bat Room) **SAVE** East (in Shaft Room) Put torch in basket Turn on lamp North, Down (to Gas Room) ***Start of Maze*** East, Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, Down (at Top of Ladder) Down, South (at Dead End) Take coal North, Up, Up, North, East, South, North, Up, South (in Shaft Room) Put coal and screwdriver in basket Lower basket North, Down, East, Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, Down, Down, West (in Timber Room) Drop all West (in Drafty Room) Take torch, coal, and screwdriver South (in Machine Room) Open lid Put coal in machine Close lid Turn switch with screwdriver Drop screwdriver Open lid Take diamond North Put torch and diamond in basket East (in Timber Room) Take skull, lamp, and garlic ***Candles and Matches were insurance in case the thief stole your torch before you got the diamond*** East, Up, Up, North, East, South, North (in Gas Room) Take bracelet Up, South (in Shaft Room) Raise basket Take torch and diamond Turn off lamp West (in Bat Room) Take jade South, East, South (in Slide Room) Down, Up Put jade, diamond, torch, bracelet, and skull in case **SAVE** Turn on lamp Down, North, East, North, Northeast (at Reservoir South) North Take trunk North Take pump North Take trident South, South, South, East, East (at Dam Base) Inflate boat with pump Drop pump Get in boat Launch Wait (until you see the buoy) Take buoy East (at Sandy Beach) Get out of boat Drop garlic and buoy Take shovel Northeast (in Sandy Cave) **SAVE** Dig sand (until scarab appears) Take scarab Drop shovel Southwest Open buoy Take emerald South, South (at Aragain Falls) Cross rainbow Turn off lamp Southwest, Up, Up, Northwest, West Enter house West Put emerald, scarab, trident, and trunk in case East, East, North, North, Up Take egg Down, South, East Enter house West Turn on lamp Down, North ***Entering another maze*** West, South, East, Up Take coins and key Southwest, East, South, Southeast (in Cyclops Room) Ulysses (or Odysseus) Up (in Treasure Room) Give egg to thief Down, East, East Put coins in case Take knife West, West **SAVE** Up Kill thief with knife (until he dies) Take all Down, Northwest, South, West, Up, Down, Northeast (in Grating Room) Unlock grate Open grate Up, South, Up Wind canary Down Take bauble South, West, South, East Enter house West Remove canary from egg Put bauble, chalice, egg, canary, and stiletto in case Down, North, East, East, East (in Loud Room) Echo Take bar West, West, West, South, Up Put bar in case ***To finish the game, the following treasures must be in your case*** torch bar stiletto canary jewel-encrusted egg chalice brass bauble bag of coins trunk of jewels crystal trident jeweled scarab large emerald huge diamond crystal skull jade figurine gold coffin pot of gold sceptre painting sapphire-encrusted bracelet ***Follow advice of message you will receive if you have all the treasures*** Take map East, East, South, West, Southwest Enter tomb Congratulations on beating Zork 1! See you in Zork 2!Return to The Games