[SHIFT] + T Time of Day [SHIFT] + U Look Down [CTRL] + [Alt] + 5 Auto Level P + [TAB] Recon Camera (Wait for pause before hitting TAB) While in Camera mode use the following: [PgUp] / [PgDn] Increase / Decrease Altitude + / - Increase / Decrease Speed [F3] / [F4] Rotate Right / Left Hold [SHIFT] for up and down rotation Hold [CTRL] for fine tuning Hit [~] to start sim back up Pause the game with P, press [TAB] and then T. You'll be in the TRANSPORTER ROOM. You'll be asked for NS (North-South) and EW (East-West) coordinates. If you don't know your exact destination, type D and move with cursor keys. To resume playing press P again.